HOW TO KNOW NO(怎麼知道NO"否") 如何知NO

There was a giant No. (有一個好大的NO) 有好大的NO

That No rained. (那樣的NO似雨點般落下) NO似雨點

That No created a tremendous blizzard. (那樣的NO創建了暴風雪般的驚異) NO建構了驚異的暴風雪

That No made a dent on the coffee table. (那樣的NO在咖啡桌烙印凹痕) NO於咖啡中烙印

That No was the greatest No of No's in the universe. (那樣的NO是全球所有NO字最異乎尋常的NO)


That No showered and hailed. (那樣的NO如冰雹般)NO如冰雹降落

That No created sunshine, and simultaneous eclipse of the sun and moon. (那樣的NO創建了陽光,日蝕月蝕同時發生)


That No was a lady's legs with nicely heeled shoes. (那樣的NO是女子穿著高跟鞋的小腿)NO是女子蹬著高跟鞋的腳

That No is the best No of all. (那樣的NO是所有中最好的NO) NO是所有最好的NO

When a gentleman smiles, a good man. (當一位紳士微笑,一位令人滿意的男子)當紳士微笑,很好的男子

That No is the best of the hips. (那樣的NO是嬉皮中最好的) NO是嘻皮中最好的

When you watch the gait of youths as they walk with alternating cheek rhythm, (當你觀看年輕人搖擺,像似扭腰擺臀的節奏)

When you watch their behinds, (當你從後面觀望)

That No is fantastic thighs, not fat or thin but taut in their strength, (那樣的NO是"空想的大腿,穠纖合度用他們的力氣緊拉著)

Loveable or leaveable. (又愛又想離開)

That No is shoulders that turn in or expand the chest, sad or happy, (那樣的NO是轉向敞開胸懷的肩膀,不管是哀傷或愉悅)NO是扭轉或敞開胸懷,悲傷或喜悅,

Without giving in to a deep sigh. (並沒有給予深深的記號) 在深深記號中沒有給予

That No is No of all No's. (那樣的NO是所有NO中的NO)NO是NO中之NO

Relaxation or restraint is in question. (放鬆或是克制都在疑問中)情鬆或壓抑在疑慮中

Nobody knows that Big No, (沒有人知道那樣大大的NO)沒有人知道BIG NO

But we alone know that No. (然而我們獨自理解那樣的NO)而我們獨自知曉NO

This No is in the big sky, painted with sumi ink eternally. (這樣的NO是在大大的空中,一直是用sumi ink 黑墨汁塗上的)


This Big No is tattooed on our genitals. (這樣的NO紋在我們的外陰) BIG NO 刺青在外陰

This Big No is not purely freckles or birthmark, (這樣的NO並不是純然的斑點或是胎記) BIG NO並不純然是斑點或胎記

But this Big No is real Big No. (然而這樣的NO是真實大大的NO)而這樣的BIG NO是真正的BIG NO

Sky is blue, (天空是澄藍的)天空湛藍

Roses are red, (玫瑰是紅麗的)玫瑰紅豔

Violets are blue, (紫羅蘭是憂藍的)紫羅藍憂傷

And therefore this Big No is No. (因此這樣大大的NO是NO)因此這樣的BIG NO 是NO

Let us celebrate having that monumental No. (讓我們慶祝擁有那樣紀念性的NO)讓我們歡慶擁有那般紀念性的NO

The monolithic No stands up and pierces heaven; (整體的NO挺立穿刺天堂)整個NO直挺挺的並穿次天堂

Therefore, monolithic No also spreads vast as the ocean. (因此,完整的NO同時蔓延遼闊像似海洋)


Let us have great sunshine with this No No. (讓我們擁有浩大的陽光帶著這樣的NO NO)讓我們帶著NO NO的廣大陽光

Let us have full moon with this No No. (讓我們擁有滿月帶著這樣的NO NO)讓我們帶著NO NO的滿月

Let us have cosmic No. (讓我們擁有宇宙的NO)讓我們擁有周遍的NO

The cockroaches carry little No No's, (蟑螂帶著小小NO NO所有)蟑螂攜帶小小屬NO的所有

As well as giant elephants in African jungles— (如同美國叢林大象一般)一如在美國叢林的大象一般

Copulating No No and waltzing No No, (魚水交歡的NO NO以及華爾茲的NO NO)

Guinea pig No No, (天竺鼠的NO NO)

We find all the information and instructions when a mosquito buzzes. (當蚊子嗡嗡我們發現所有知識及指導)我們發掘了所有資訊與指導於蚊蠅嗡嗡時

We find some kind of No No. (我們發現了NO NO的種類)

Let our No No be the greatest motto: (讓我們的NO NO是最偉大的座右銘)讓我們NO NO為最偉大的座右銘

No No for the king; (給國王NO NO)NO NO為了國王

No No for the prime minister; (給神職NO NO)NO NO為了神職

No No for the worms of our subjects. (給我們的功課像蟲一般卑微者NO NO)NO NO為了我們主旨的蠕蟲

Let us celebrate No No so that Presbyterian preachers can have speech impediments in proclaiming No No.

 (讓我們慶祝NO NO否否以至於長老教會的牧師有了佈道障礙NO NO) 讓我們歡慶NO NO 以至於長老教會傳教士傳播福音NO NO有講演障礙

Let our horses neigh No No. (讓我們的馬匹嘶吼著NO NO)

Let the vajra sangha fart No No— (讓金剛僧侶屁聲NO NO)

Giant No No that made a great imprint on the coffee table. (非凡的NO NO建造一個大大的銘印在咖啡桌上) 巨大的NO NO 烙印在咖啡桌上

-Chogyam Trungpa, January 1979

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